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How much does air conditioning cost in 2021?
Thinking of installing air conditioning or replacing your existing system? With rising electricity prices, keeping a cap on your air conditioning running costs are an important consideration. You also need to factor in the cost of purchasing a unit of the correct size and work out how much installation will cost.
Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning vs Evaporative Cooling
The purpose of today's article is discuss the differences and pro's and con's of two of Australia's most popular cooling systems. Evaporative cooling and reverse cycle air conditioning are two very different methods of cooling your home each with their benefits and drawbacks.
Best air conditioning brands in 2021
Air conditioning is crucial in Perth through those hot summer months and cold winter months. While there are many types of air conditioning (ducted vs split, refrigerative vs evaporative), there are also several brands who offer a number of products.
Do I need to service my air conditioner?
Let's answer that question right from the top. Yes. You do need to service your air conditioner - just like a car. This will ensure it runs at peak efficiency and performance as well as extending the lifespan so you can enjoy your investment for many, many years to come.
5 key signs it's time to replace your air conditioner
Your air conditioner can make your life significantly more comfortable in the hot summers and cooler winters. Just like all appliances, air conditioners don't perform their best forever. Units have a certain lifespan and if you've noticed that the air con isn't working like it used to, then it might be time to call in the experts
What temperature should I set my air conditioner
Air conditioners have to work harder to offset harsher climates. When it’s a 40 degree Perth summer day, it’s only natural that would set your air conditioner a little lower and vice versa for those chilly winter nights.
What size split system should I buy?
At Customised Air Conditioning, one of the most common questions we get is “What Size Split system should I buy”? Split systems are one of most efficient and effective ways to heat & cool your home but it’s crucial that you get the right size.
Pros and Cons of Portable Air Conditioners
Portable air conditioners are not something we have discussed previously but they may offer a cost effective solution to cooling your home (or parts of it). For those on a tighter budget, renting or just needing a quick solution to a stinking hot house, a portable air conditioner that you can pick up from your local JB Hifi may seem like a good option.
Why zone controls are an economical choice
It's difficult to please everyone with the air conditioner in a large house - some rooms are too hot, some are too cold and it's difficult to get consistency. The solution? Customised Air Conditioning may be able to install a zone control system so you can have precise control over different rooms and areas in your home.
Is winter the best time to buy an air conditioner?
We hope you consider getting ahead of the curve and booking in your air conditioner this winter. Read our tips in the article to learn why you should book in right away!
How to prepare your unit for the Perth winter
It’s official, Perth is here and it’s cold! It’s time to swap out the board-shorts with track pants and sweaters as well as switch the air conditioner from cooling to heating. Now you might be all excited to switch the air con back on after a few months, it’s important to do a little preventative maintenance to keep your unit humming along all year round - it also will save you on any headaches down the track.
Why install solar panels when you have air conditioning
If you get solar installed at the same time as your air conditioning unit, the increase in your energy costs from the air conditioner can be absorbed and offset. When considering solar for your home in any event, the economic benefits of installing it at the same time as your air conditioning system are hard to ignore.